Geography , Class 10 , Agriculture ( Important Terms and Explain) Up board , CBSE, Ncert
Meaning of Important Words and Concepts 1- Agriculture: The art of science of cultivating soil , raising crops and rearing livestock including fishing and forests . 2- Commercial agriculture: Farming in which farmer grows the crop with the aim of selling it in the market. 3- Dry farming : Dry farming is adopted in scanty rainfall areas .Such types of crops are grown which requires less irrigation facilities. 4- Extensive agriculture : Agriculture in which the agriculturist tries to get the greatest output by bringing more and more new land areas under cultivation. 5- Intensive agriculture : In this type of farming high dose of biochemical inputs and irrigation are used for obtaining higher production . 6 - Dairy Farming : A kind of agriculture in which major emphasis is given to the breeding and rearing of cattles for milk . 7- Wet Farming : A kind of farming which depends on rain . 8- Mixed Farming : Farming in which animals ...