
Geography , Class 10 , Agriculture ( Important Terms and Explain) Up board , CBSE, Ncert

  Meaning of Important Words and Concepts 1- Agriculture: The art of science of cultivating soil , raising crops and rearing livestock including fishing and forests . 2- Commercial agriculture: Farming in which farmer grows the crop with the aim of selling it in the market. 3- Dry farming :  Dry farming is adopted in scanty rainfall areas .Such types of crops are grown which requires less irrigation facilities. 4- Extensive agriculture :   Agriculture in which the agriculturist tries to get the greatest output by bringing more and more new land areas under cultivation. 5- Intensive agriculture :   In this type of farming high dose of biochemical inputs and irrigation are used for obtaining higher production . 6 - Dairy Farming : A kind of agriculture in which major emphasis is given to the breeding and rearing of cattles for milk . 7- Wet Farming : A kind of farming which depends on rain . 8- Mixed Farming :   Farming in which animals ...

Geography , Class 10 , Water Resources (Long Answers ) Up Board, Ncert,CBSE.

Answer the following questions  1- Explain any five reasons responsible for water scarcity in India.                       Or Describe the important factors responsible for water scarcity in the world . Answer - Some of the major causes of water scarcity are ....  A-   Growing population -    Water scarcity is an outcome of large and growing population and consequently more demand for water and unequal access to it . B- Expansion of Agriculture -  To facilitate higher food grain production for the increasing population, more water is required for the increased area under production . C - Industrialization -   Industries not only require water in production but  also to generate power to run them . Much of this electricity is generated by hydro electric power. D -  Pollution -   Water gets polluted with domestic and industrial use and becomes unfit for human consumption du...

Geography , Class 10 , Water Resources (MCQs ) Up Board, Ncert,CBSE.

          🙇   Multiple Choice Questions 🙇 1 - The reason for lack of water on the ground is    a. Excess absorption   b. Excess use    c. Uneven distribution in different society    d. All of the above Answer  : d 2- The process of ensuring renewal and recharge         of water is ...     a. Vaporisation        b. Evacuation      c. Condensation     d. Hydrologic cycle Answer : d 3- Which of the following is the source of the             irrational water harvesting?     a. Surface runoff.      b. Groundwater      c. Both a and b.         d. Ocean Answer : c 4-   A multi purpose project built on the Satluj               Beas river basin is      a. Hirakud proj...

Geography , Class 10 , Water Resources ( Important Terms and Explain)

               Meaning of Important Terms  1-Water Scarcity :  Shortage of water as compared to its demand is known as water scarcity. 2- Perennial Canals : Canals developed by diverting water from rivers that flow throughout the year . 3-Groundwater : Water which is obtained from a depth of more than 15m is known as groundwater. 4- Surface Runoff :  This is the water flow that occurs when the soil is infiltration to full capacity and excess water from rain ,  melted snow or other sources flow over the land. 5- Rainwater Harvesting :   It is a technique of increasing the recharge of groundwater by capturing and storing rainwater by constructing structures. 6 - Dam : A dam is a barrier across the flowing water that obstructs , directs or retards the flow ,often creating a reservoir , lake or impoundment. 7- Check Dams :  Catchment dams particularly in water deficient areas. 8- Hydroelectricity :  ...

Geography , Class 10 , Forest and Wildlife Resources ( Question - Answer) UP Board, Ncert, CBSE

Answer the following questions:-  1: Explain how human activities have affected the depletion of flora . Answer :   1 - Human have cleared the jungles for own living and the luvings of their animals as well as for construction of their houses .Too much destruction of trees has distributed the ecosystem and created various health problems for themselves. 2 - The agricultural expansion during the colonial rule and even after independence proved one of the major causes of the depletion of the flora and fauna . 3 - The great demand of sleeper for the expansion of railways and ship building during the colonial rule also inflicted a great damage to the Indian forests. 4 - The burning of fossil fuels in large quantity, automobile exhausts , gaseous effuents from factories have led to  pollution of air and water . 5- As a result of the removal of the original plant cover and it's replacement by a single crop ,the biological diversity has been reduced and a single...

Geography , Class 10 , Forest and Wildlife Resources ( MCQs ) UP Board, Ncert, CBSE ,

                Multiple Choice Questions                                                                                   Note :  Tick the correct option 1 : Which of the following is endangered species?     a. Asiatic cheeta.        b. Nicobar pigeon     c. Asiatic elephant.    d. Black buck  Answer : a  2: Which plant species in India is included in endangered species?    a. Mango.      b. Teak     c. Shisham.    d. Sandal Answer : d 3 : The example of man made producted habitat of bio diversity is       a. Sanctuary.        b. National park       c. Forests....

Geography , Class 10 , Forest and Wildlife Resources ( Important Terms and Explain)

             Meaning of Important Words . 1 : Forest - Extensive area covered with spontaneously grown trees . 2 : Biodiversity - It is the sum total of all the varieties of species of plant ,animals and micro- organisms living on the earth . 3 : Sanctuary -  A reserved area for preserving natural beauty . 4 : Flora -   Plants of a particular region or period are referred to as flora. 5 : Funna -  Species of animal of a region are known as fauna .  6: Normal Species - The species whose population levels are considered to be normal for their survival,such as cattle,sal, pine , rodents etc  7 : Endangered species - The species which are in danger of extinction. 8 : Rare Species - Species with small population may move into the endangered or vulnerable category if the negative factors affecting them continue to operate. 9 : Vulnerable Species - These are some species whose population have declined to levels from w...