Geography , Class 10 , Water Resources ( Important Terms and Explain)

               Meaning of Important Terms 
1-Water Scarcity : Shortage of water as compared to its demand is known as water scarcity.

2- Perennial Canals : Canals developed by diverting water from rivers that flow throughout the year .

3-Groundwater :Water which is obtained from a depth of more than 15m is known as groundwater.

4- Surface Runoff : This is the water flow that occurs when the soil is infiltration to full capacity and excess water from rain ,  melted snow or other sources flow over the land.

5- Rainwater Harvesting :  It is a technique of increasing the recharge of groundwater by capturing and storing rainwater by constructing structures.

6 - Dam : A dam is a barrier across the flowing water that obstructs , directs or retards the flow ,often creating a reservoir , lake or impoundment.

7- Check Dams : Catchment dams particularly in water deficient areas.

8- Hydroelectricity : It is the power which is generated with the help of running water.

9- Multi purpose Projects : A river valley project which serves a number of purposes simultaneously such as irrigation,flood control and generate powers.

10- River Basin : The area of land drained by a river and its branches.

11- Reservoirs:  A large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply.

12- Irrigation : The supply of water to land or cropes to help growth by channels.

13- Drip irrigation: It is a type of irrigation in which water gets dropped in the form of drips close to roots of the plants in order to conserve the moisture.

14- Surfacewater :  Rainwater flowing in the surface of the land .

15- Water Shed : The high ground from which water flows to two or more adjacent basins .

16- Water Grid : Creation of uniform pattern of flow of river and other water channels in different directions to obtain benefits such as irrigation, electricity generation etc .

17- Desalination : The process of removing dissolved salt from water especially sea water.

18- Floods : Inundation of large areas beyond the bank of rivers is termed as floods .

19- Inundation Canal : It is meant to direct flood water during the rainy season.

20- Precipitation :  Falling of moisture after condensation in the form of droplets, rain ,snow and hailstones is called as precipitation.

21- Hydraulic Structures : Structures built for storing rainwater are termed as hydraulic structure.



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