Geography , Class 10 , Agriculture ( Question answer) Up board , CBSE, Ncert

        Answer the following questions 
Question 1-Write some features of Indian agriculture?
What is the importance of agriculture in Indian economy ?
  Question 1- Why the agriculture called the mainstay of Indian economy ?
Answer :  1- Agriculture is the mainstay of Indian economy because about 60% of our population depends directly or indirectly on agriculture.
2-It provides raw materials to various industries. So even the progress of industrial sector is dependent on agriculture.
3- India earns foreign exchange by exporting some agricultural products.
4-It contributes approximately one third to the gross domestic product.
5-It provides food to over 130 crores population.
6-  Agriculture plays a pivotal role in dominating the economic, social and cultural life of the Indian people.

Question 2- What is shifting agriculture ? Why shifting agriculture is being discouraged ?
Answer - It is that type of agriculture in which formers clear the forest land and use it for growing crops. The crops are grown for 2 or 3 years. When the fertility of the soil decreases, farmers shift to a new land . Dry paddy, maize , millets and vegetables are commonly grown in this type of farming.
It is being discouraged because : 
1- This leads to deforestation.
2- Per hectare yield is very low .

Question 3 - What is intensive farming? Write it's some features.
Answer -  It is a type of farming in which the agriculture production is increased by using scientific method and better agricultural inputs.
Features of Intensive Farming :
 1- HYV seeds and modern inputs are used to increase the production.
2- More than one crop is cultivated during a year.
3- It is practised in thickly populated areas.
4-Per hectare yield is very high.

Question 4 - Write the geographical condition required for wheat cultivation.
Answer - Punjab , Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh are main producers of wheat. The following geographical condition needs for its farming.
 1- Soil - Light domat soil is required. It can also be grown in black soil.
2- Temperature - Cool and moist weather during growth and warm and dry climate during ripening is needed for wheat cultivation.
3- Rain - 50 to 75 cm annual rainfall is required. Rainfall is necessary and beneficial 15 days after sowing and 15 days before ripening. A few light winter showers or assured irrigation ensures bumper harvest .

Question 5 - Write the geographical condition for the production of rice .
Answer -  Most of its cultivation is concentrated in the river valley, deltas of rivers and the coastal plains. The main rice producing states are West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh , Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab, odisha, Karnataka, Assam and Maharashtra.
1-Soil - Rice can grow in a variety of soil including silts , loams and gravels , but it is grown best in alluvial soil with a sub soil of impervious clay .
2- Temperature - Rice is a kharif crop which requires high temperature and High humidity. This means monthly temperature of about 25 degree centrigate with minor variation during the sowing , growing and harvesting season,is suitable for the growth of plants
3- Rain - Rice needs abundant rainfall more than 100 cm . It can grow in areas with less rainfall too , with assured irrigation. 

Question 6- What geographical condition are required for sugarcane cultivation?
Answer -  Uttarpradesh is the largest producer of sugarcane. The other states are Bihar, Punjab and Haryana.
Temperature -  Sugarcane needs hot and humid climate with temperature ranging between 21 to 27 degree centrigate. Very high temperature is harmful for its growth, while low temperature slows it's growth. It can not withstand Frost . Cool temperature is needed at the time of ripening.
Rain - It grows best in areas recieving 75 to 100cm of rainfall. Too heavy rainfall results in low sugar content.
Soil - Sugarcane grows on well drained fertile soil. It can grow on a variety of soils like black, alluvial,loamy and reddish . The best soil is alluvial soil of the Ganga plain and black soil of southern India. 

Question 7- Describe the geographical condition required for tea farming. 
Name the beverage crop and what is need for its cultivation.
Answer - Tea is the most important beverage crop of India. The following geographical condition required for its farming...
Temperature - Tea plant grows well in tropical and sub tropical climate. Tea bushes require warm and moist , Frost free climate all through the year . It needs temperature more than 25 degree centrigate.
Rain - Tea plants need heavy rainfall ranging between 150 to 250 cm . The rainfall should be well distributed throughout the year.
Soil -  Tea plant requires a light loamy soil . The soil should be rich in humus and iron content . Tea is a soil exhausting crop , so frequent use of chemical fertilizers and manure is essential.
Production areas - Major tea producing states are Assam , Bengal ,Tamil Nadu and Kerala. 
 Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Meghalaya , Andhra Pradesh and Tripura are also tea producing states.
Question 8- Write the climatic conditions required for cotton production.
Answer - The leading cotton producing states are Gujrat , Maharashtra , Andhra Pradesh , Punjab, Haryana , Karnataka , Tamil Nadu ,and Madhya Pradesh .
Temperature - cotton needs a warm climate . Summer temperature of 21 to 27 degree centrigate abundant sunshine. A long growing period of at least 210 Frost free days is also necessary for growth.
Soil- Cotton can be grown on a variety of soils but the black soil is best of Deccan plateau which has ability to retain moisture. It also grows well in alluvial soil of Ganga Satluj plain .
Rain -  Moderate to light rainfall is adequate for cotton cultivation. Rainfall ranging between 50 to 80 cm . The crop can be successfully grown in areas of low rainfall with the help of irrigation.

Question 9 - What initiative have been taken by government to ensure an increase in agricultural production ?
Answer - To increase agricultural production the government has introduced some institutional measures which include collectivisation, consolidation of holdings , establishment of cooperative of holdings , establishment of cooperative societies and banks and Abolition of Zamindari system.
   In the 1980s and 1990s , a comprehensive land development programme was initiated,which included both institutional and technical reforms
  1. provision for crop insurance against drought, flood , cyclone ,fire and disease . 2 . establishment of Grameen banks , cooperative societies and banks for providing loan facilities to the farmers at lower rates of interest.
       The government is providing subsidy on the agricultural inputs. At present, maximum subsidy is being given on fertilizers.
     In order to enhance production,the government is providing HXV seeds to the farmers. Many new agricultural universities have been established.
        Agriculture price commission has been set up which declares the minimum support prices for important agricultural crops in advance so that the farmers may know what they are going to get for their agricultural products. Government agencies like FCI purchase the agricultural products from the farmers.
       As we are aware that the Indian agriculture mainly depends on nature,so high risk crops are also being insured. The government has established special banks like NABARD and regional rural banks to provide agricultural loans to farmers.


Dhanyawaad sir 🙏☺️😎

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