Class 10 - CIVICS Power Sharing (MCQs ) , Up board , CBSE, Ncert
✍️Objective type questions✍️
1- In democracy the power is vested in
a. People. b. Government
c. Legislature. d. Executive
Answer -a
2. Belgium is situated in the continent of
a. Europe. b. North America
c. Asia. d. Australia
Answer -a
3. The main social group of Sri Lanka is
a. Of Tamils b. Of singhalese
c. Of Dutch. d. Of Indian Tamils
Answer- b
4- Sri Lanka achieved independence in
a. 1948. b.1949
c. 1956. d. 1961
Answer - a
5- The union government in India is called as
a. Central government. b. State government
c. Provincial government. d. Local government
Answer - a
6- How many organs are there in modern democratic system
a. Two b. Three
c. Four d. Five
Answer - b
7- How many languages are recognised in Indian constitution
a. Twenty. b. Twenty one
c. Twenty two. d. Twenty three
Answer - c
8- In which year Singhala was recognised as the only official language in Sri Lanka
a. 1950. b. 1960
c. 1956. d. 1955
Answer - c
9- Which minority community is comparatively rich and powerful in Belgium
a. French. b. Dutch
c. German. d. British
Answer - a
10- In which country, mutual mistrust between two communities took the shape of civil war
a. Sri Lanka. b. Belgium
c. Britain. d. India
Answer - a
11- The principal of Majoritarianism led to a civil war in
a. Sri Lanka. b. India
c. Belgium. d. Britain
Answer - a
12- The community government in Belgium is elected by
a. People belonging to one language community
b. All the citizens
c. All the community leaders
d. All the leaders
Answer - a
13- Power sharing is good because
a. In increase the conflict between social groups
b. It ensures the instability of political order
c. It reduces the possibility of conflict between social groups
d. It leads to violence
Answer - c
14- Which two languages are generally spoken in Belgium
a. French , English. b. Dutch , English
c. French, Dutch. d. Dutch, Sinhala
Answer- c
15- which of the following is an example of horizontal sharing of power
a. Power sharing between different states
b. Power sharing between different organs of the government
c. Power sharing between different levels of the government
d. Power sharing between different political parties
Answer - b
16- Sri Lankan Tamil refers to which of the following
a. Tamil Muslim
b. Tamil native of the country
c. Tamil whose forefathers came from India in the colonial period
d. Tamil hindu
Answer- b
17- Division of power between higher and lower levels of government is called
a. Horizontal distribution
b. Parallel distribution
c. Vertical distribution
d. Diagonal distribution
18- which major social group constituted the largest share in population of Sri Lanka
a. Sinhalese. b. Sri Lankan Tamil
c. Indian Tamil. d. Muslims
Answer- a
19- In Sri Lanka, the democratically elected government adopted a series of which measures to establish Sinhalese supremacy
a. Community government
b. Federal government
c. Majoritarian government
d. Prudential government
Answer- c
20- Which of the following ethnic groups in Belgium has the largest population
a. Walloon. b. Flemish
c. German. d. None of these
Answer- b
21- Power is shared among different political parties that represents
a. Different candidates
b. Same ideology
c. Different ideology and social group
d. None of these
Answer- c
22- which one of the following was not a demand of the Sri Lanka Tamils
a. Recognition of Tamils ad an official language
b. Regional autonomy
c. Equality of opportunity in jobs
d. Reservation of seats in parliament
23- Under which of the following is power shared in the community government of Belgium
a. Different society
b. Different organs of government
c. Central and State government
d. State government