Class 10 - CIVICS Power Sharing (Important Terms and explain ) , Up board , CBSE, Ncert
🤔Meaning of Words 🤔
1- Ethnic - A social division based on shared culture. People belonging to the same ethnic group believe in their common descent beacuse of similarities of physical or cultural.
1- Ethnic - A social division based on shared culture. People belonging to the same ethnic group believe in their common descent beacuse of similarities of physical or cultural.
2-Power sharing - Sharing power by different levels of government units for smooth functioning of system.
3- Horizontal Distribution of power - A type of distribution in which power is shared among different government organisations like legislature, executive, judiciary etc.
4 - Vertical Distribution of Power - It is a type of distribution of power which involves the higher and lower levels of government such as central , state and local.
5- Executive - Executive is that organ of government which enforces the will of the legislative expressed in the form of laws . The legislative makes laws and the executive is charged with responsibility of giving effect to these laws .
6- Legislature - Network of parliamentarians time being and that of permanent that the frames laws through democratic process in consideration. The law making includes making of new laws , repeating old ones and amending the existing laws of the country.
7 - Judiciary - An institution empowered to administer justice and provide a mechanism for the resolution of legal disputes. All courts in country are collectively referred as judiciary.
8- Law - Compilation of canon, ethnic , convention , precedent , rules , statutes , regulations, discipline that everyone in a country must be obey .
9 - Alliance - This is formed when two or more political parties come under a common banner and make a bid for capturing power .
10 - European Union - A political and an economic association formed by different countries of Europe.
12 - Sinhala - A language spoken by the members of majority.
13 - Dutch - People belonging to Holland or the Netherlands and speaking Dutch language.
14 - LTTE - The term stands for Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam .
15 - Native - A person born in a specific place or country. Whether subsequently resident or not .