
Class 10 - CIVICS Federalism (Concept ) , Up board , CBSE, Ncert

        Concept of the Chapter   1. Three Lists :  The Indian constitution clearly provides three fold distribution of legislative powers between union government and state government. It contains the following three lists .... A. Union List :  Subjects of national importance like defence , foreign affairs,atomic energy, currency,banking ,post and telegraph are included in the Union list . The central government can pass laws on these subjects.  B . State list :  It comprises those important subjects in which the state government can pass laws . Subjects like police , local government , trade and commerce, agriculture and irrigation are within the state include in the state list . C . Concurrent list :  It includes those subjects which are of common concern to both the centre and state governments . Ordinarily, both the centre and the state governments can frame laws on these subjects. 2. Federalism:   It is a ...

Use of Net and Tech for growth of Students

👉Introduction - The advent of the internet and technological advancements has transformed various aspects of our lives, including education. In the digital age, students have access to an abundance of resources and tools that can greatly enhance their learning and personal growth. The use of the internet and technology in education has revolutionized the way students acquire knowledge, collaborate, and interact with the world. In this article, we will explore the numerous ways in which the net and technology contribute to the growth and development of students. 👉Access to a Wealth of Information The internet is a treasure trove of knowledge, encompassing a vast array of subjects and topics. Students no longer need to rely solely on traditional textbooks and limited resources available in their local libraries. With just a few clicks, they can access a wide range of articles, research papers, videos, and online courses tailored to their specific needs and interests. This u...

Class 10 - CIVICS Power Sharing (Question - Answer) , Up board , CBSE, Ncert

      Note - Answer the following questions Question 1- Compare the way in which Belgium and Sri Lanka have dealt with cultural diversity. Answer - In Belgium, the minority French speaking community was rich and powerful than Dutch speaking community. The Belgian leaders realised this problem and took some significant measures to solve this as .... a. Number of Dutch and French speaking ministers shall be equal in the central government. b. Many powers of the central government are given to state government. c. Brussels has a separate government in which both the communities have equal representation. d. Community government is elected by people belonging to one language community which deals with cultural, educational and language related issues.              In Sri Lanka major social groups are the Sinhala speakers 74%  and the  Tamil speakers 18% . In Sri Lanka the democratically elected government adopted a seri...

Class 10 - CIVICS Power Sharing (MCQs ) , Up board , CBSE, Ncert

                    ✍️Objective type questions✍️   1-  In democracy the power is vested in    a. People.               b. Government    c. Legislature.      d. Executive Answer  -a 2.  Belgium is situated in the continent of      a. Europe.         b. North America     c. Asia.             d. Australia Answer -a 3.  The main social group of Sri Lanka is     a. Of  Tamils            b. Of singhalese     c. Of Dutch.             d. Of Indian Tamils Answer- b 4-  Sri Lanka achieved independence in   a. 1948.                   b.1949   c. 1956.            ...

Class 10 - CIVICS Power Sharing (Important Terms and explain ) , Up board , CBSE, Ncert

                   ðŸ¤” Meaning of Words  🤔 1- Ethnic -  A social division based on shared culture. People belonging to the same ethnic group believe in their common descent beacuse of similarities of physical or cultural. 2-Power sharing -  Sharing power by different levels of government units for smooth functioning of system. 3- Horizontal Distribution of power -  A type of distribution in which power is shared among different government organisations like legislature, executive, judiciary etc. 4 - Vertical Distribution of Power -  It is a type of distribution of power which involves the higher and lower levels of government such as central , state and local. 5- Executive -  Executive is that organ of government which enforces the will of the legislative expressed in the form of laws . The legislative makes laws and the executive is charged with responsibility of giving effect to these laws . 6-...

Geography , Class 10 , Agriculture ( Question answer) Up board , CBSE, Ncert

         Answer the following questions  Question 1-Write some features of Indian agriculture?                        Or What is the importance of agriculture in Indian economy ?                      Or   Question 1- Why the agriculture called the mainstay of Indian economy ? Answer :  1- Agriculture is the mainstay of Indian economy because about 60% of our population depends directly or indirectly on agriculture. 2-It provides raw materials to various industries. So even the progress of industrial sector is dependent on agriculture. 3- India earns foreign exchange by exporting some agricultural products. 4-It contributes approximately one third to the gross domestic product. 5-It provides food to over 130 crores population. 6-  Agriculture plays a pivotal role in dominating the economic, social and cultural life of ...

Geography , Class 10 , Agriculture (MCQs ) Up Board, Ncert,CBSE.

           ðŸ˜œ Multiple Choice Questions 😜 Note - Opt. the correct option 1- India has the first place in the world in production of which crop ?   a. Oilseeds.       b. Wheat   c. Rice.               d. Pulses Answer - d 2-  Which one is Rabi crop ?   a. Paddy.       b. Pulses   c. Coarse.     d. Mustard  Answer - d 3- Which one is a fibre crop ?  a. Jute         b. Coffee  c. Barley.      d. Rubber Answer - c 4- Which one of the following is non good crop ?  a. Cotton.      b. Sugarcane  c. Rice.         d. Wheat Answer - a 5-   Which one is Rabi crop?   a. Paddy.        b. Bajra  c. Wheat.        d. Maize Answer - c 6- Which one is kharif crop ?    a. G...